Wednesday, August 29, 2012

{Camden's 1st Day} of Kindergarten!

Today was Camden's 1st day of Kindergarten...sort of.  They assess the kids today, then place them in a class.  He'll really have his 1st real day on Tuesday!  I was so anxious to post the pics from today, I couldn't possibly wait until Tuesday!  He did really great and was really excited to start!  I can't wait to hear all about his day when I pick him up!

Big surprise...he wants to be a spy when he grows up!  It's all we talk about these days!

Our 1st lunch at school!  I wonder if Camden even noticed his Fruit Loop worm in his apple!

Countin' down the days!!!

Teacher Gift!

Ready and axious to get in the door!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

{Prayers at} Dinner time!

Tonight for our dinner prayer I said our normal "from the heart" (not the song prayer they say at preschool).  When I was done, Bexley said to me, "You didn't say a prayer for me potty training!"  So we grabbed hands and I added, "...and please help Bexley with her potty training!  Amen."  Bexley now content and smiling, Camden chimes in, "You didn't say 'to give me strength!'"  Ok...this is a new one for him.  So I said, "Camden, you say the next one."  He closes his eyes, grabs my hand, bows his head and says, "Dear God, please give me strength....(pause, pause, pause) I can lift and carry heavy objects.  Amen." 

{BASF} Fun Days!

We had quite the Saturday!  Camden had an all school Kindergarten Playdate then we had a BASF (Scott's Work) Fun Days and ended it with a cul de sac party!  Here are some fun pics from the Fun Days!
Cotton Candy, Snow Cones, and Jumpy Houses...oh my!
Who doesn't love a good game of BINGO!  Although playing with Camden was challenging once he found out someone else won the "spy kit" prize!
Scott won a pink monkey toy with his bb skills!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

{Our Little} 1st Year

Can you believe's been 1 whole year since we moved into our little home on Meadowrock! {insert tears here}  We love it here so much more than we thought we would!  We couldn't have wished for a better cul-de-sac...must have been an unspoken law to live here because every child is either 5yrs and under or babysitter quailified!  We've already made so many precious memories - from Bexley potty training to Camden becoming a Kindgartener!!!  Who knows what the future holds, but we will be more than complete if we stay here for the rest of our lives!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

{Jobs Chart} YAY!

My talk-to-everyday pal, craft buddy, and great friend Ashley was bouncing ideas off of me the other day for a chore chart she was making for her kids.  I went on Pinterest to see what could inspire me for her project and it got me wanting to make one!  Luckily I could make it from things I had already (love when that happens)!  I thought, this would be great to start it a few weeks before school gets going in full swing and get us back to a routine!  Bexley loves it, waking every morning making her bed and brushing her teeth without being asked!  She even brings Camden his toothbrush.  Camden on the other hand...does NOT like it AT ALL!  Although I find him empting the dishwasher (clean dishes or not) and feeding Kitty (whether Kitty needs it or not), but least he's trying!  Thanks for the idea, Ash!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

{Our Little} Detective

Camden wants nothing more right now than to be a spy!  He already has a list started for Santa with 2 spy kits on it.  We bought him some small spy stuff and I cannot help but laugh every time he puts those spy glasses on!  What a stud, right?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

{Bexley's Little} Potty Training

"I went pee pee!" was a phrase we heard a lot of on Sunday!  Bexley was more than ready for this day, but it was so hard for us to find the time to do it!  Scott and I take the "sock-them-with-as-many-liquids-as-you-can-in-one-day" approach to potty training!  Bexley challenged us at 1st with not wanting to drink anything the first few hours, but came around once we got creative!  People say girls are easier to potty train than our case it was true, but Camden was pretty easy so Bexley was a breeze!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

{Splashing with friends} in the Summertime!

Camden has been wanting to have the boys from his preschool class over to our pool!  So we had a little pool play date today!  It's always so much fun to watch them play together - they get along so well!  Now, if only we could pick all of his friends to be his classmates in Kindergarten this year!!!

{Our 1st Little} Pedicure!

Camden has been going to Vacation Bible School all week and since Bexley isn't old enough yet to go I thought I would treat her to a little pedicure!  I always paint her toes, but I don't do the pink glittery toes with pretty flowers on them!  Bexley was a little timid at 1st asking me to paint, but once she picked out her color and sat in the chair she was ready!  We had so much fun on our 1st Girl's Morning!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

{Happy 37th Birthday} Scott!!!

Happy Birthday Scott!!!

A few weeks ago I asked Camden what kind of party should we have for Scott.  He didn't even hesitate and said, "STAR WARS!!!"  Oh, goodie...something I know nothing about.  So I got on Pinterest and started scoping out Star Wars Parties!  Darth Vader cake, Storm Trooper Marshmallows, Light Sabers, and Darth Vader shirts!  So as you can imagine...Camden had a blast and a think the birthday boy did too!  (Click on the pics to see the image closer!)

Light Saber FIGHT!!!
Someone got an iPAD!!!
Princess Leia + Luke Skywalker!

The party planning crew in character!