Wednesday, September 28, 2011

{Bexley's 2 Year} Check up

Bexley had her 2 year check up today.  She did great ~ she especially loved not having to get any shots.  We were happy too since it was her 1st time meeting our new doctor!  The doctor said she is doing great and everything checked out very well!  The doctor said she was average weight and in the 90th percentile for height!  He said if you double her height at the age of 2 you will get her adult height.  He said that would make her 5'10"!  Camden better start growing or he may have a sister taller than him!

{Our Little Fish} Camden

Camden really loved the pool and beach this summer so we thought we'd enroll him in swimming lessons at the Aquatic Center.  Such a good!  He goes 4 days a week and in under a month's time is holding his breath under water AND swimming the crawl stroke!  I cannot believe what they teach them and what they can learn!  We are so proud of him ~ I sit there in "awe" every lesson!  One day Scott took off work a little early to surprise Camden at his lesson and Camden did nothing but show off the entire time!  I think Scott needs to come more often!  Check out our little fish...I mean Camden at his swimming lesson!

{Build And Grow} Lowes Project Weekend

We had so much fun hammering away at the last Lowe's Build To Grow Workshop that we thought we'd try another one!  We made a police car a few weekends back and a firetruck this time!  So much fun!  I thought I'd share some cute pics we got from the workshop!

Friday, September 9, 2011

{Happy Birthday} To Our Little Girl!

Bexley turned 2 today!  I know it's so cliché, but oh how the time flies!  Just yesterday she was my little baby and now she's 2!  WHAT?!?  We celebrated all week (a tradition in our home) by doing what Bexley wanted the whole week.  We also had her favorite breakfast...pancakes!  (I'll post our video of that soon!)  We played all day with her new dollhouse (even Camden wanted in on the fun) and dress up clothes (Camden skipped that part), then went to Red Robin for dinner ~ a place Camden has been dying to take someone on their birthday!  All in all a great day and one Scott and I will never forget 2 years ago!  We love you BooBoo! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

{1st Day of} School

Our little munchins are both in school this year!  Oh, how the time flies!  Bexley started the 18mth old class and did great!  The teacher said she was her little helper today getting toys for the kids who were upset that their parents weren't going to stay at school with them!  Camden is in the 4yr old class and also did awesome today!  He's always loved going to school and learning!  He's also quite the social butterfly!  We are excited for another school year and are sure to have many fun stories to share!