Monday, July 18, 2011

{It's Almost} Ours!

Eek!!!  Our new home is almost done!!!  It's such a great feeling that we will be moving in soon!  It actually feels like yesterday we'd drive by and day dream about our house while looking at a pile of dirt!  It really has gone by so quick and I've stopped stalking it now that it physically doesn't change much (plus our neighbors have moved in and I don't want them to think we're crazy before we even get to know them!  I'll let them figure that out after we are there!)  Anyway, we are so happy we will be homeowners again in 39 days!

Monday, July 11, 2011

{July} Home Update!

While in Orlando for the 4th, we were curious to find out what was done while we were away.  Of course, I HAD to see it the same night we got home.  I was SHOCKED!  They had painted the exterior and interior!  They also had the appliances in, fixtures up, tile, and stairs in garage all done!  I couldn't believe it ~ what a week!  Here are our updated pics!

Isn't it the prettiest BEIGE house you've ever seen!  (NOTE: All homes in our neighborhood are a shade of beige!)

View from the front entrance!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Orlando 2011

This 4th of July week we took a trip to Orlando with my parents, brother and nephew!  It was defiantly a rememberable one!  Scott and I joke that we have never had a "normal" 4th of July and this 4th wasn't any different.  Someone always seems to be falling asleep, sick or the fireworks get canceled due to's always something.  This year we were sure this would not be the case as we were going to be at DISNEY WORLD!  How could anything go wrong at "the happiest place on earth!"  Well, Camden was sick the whole day and we almost missed fireworks!  I mean, don't get me wrong we still had a blast ~ it just was a little different than I had planned in my mind.
We spent a few days at Disney (Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios), visited Celebration, FL (a town started by Disney), got windblown at an airboat ride through the swamps (Camden & Kyle actually held an alligator!), took a sunset visit to Cocoa Beach (we had planned on going to see the final shuttle launch, but then heard they were expecting over a million people ~ so we just went to the beach the day before the launch), checked out the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, and of course found a little time for shopping!  Lots of memories made this year and lots of laughs! 

BEWARE!!!  There are A LOT of pictures in this slideshow!  (I knew I was in trouble when my camera was at 500 pictures by the 2nd day!)