Friday, April 9, 2010

{Easter} 2010

We had a great Easter week this year!  We started it out by visiting the Farm Supply store where every year they have chicks and ducks for sale.  Camden LOVED it and also found some toys he wants (see pic of him on the 4 wheeler)  Then we made our way to the Washington DC/Baltimore area.  In DC we saw the Cherry Blossoms (very pretty) and the National Aquarium.  We had a fun time, but the weather was a little cold for the kids.  We walked around some, but decided to head up to Baltimore to visit Biggs...and Scott had some work to do while we were there!  We were home by Thursday and Scott had his long Catholic weekend.  He's such a trooper - these masses are the longest ones of the year (Thursday, Friday AND Saturday all around 2 hours each!)  By Easter Sunday we were ready for some family time!  We went to church at Center Cross, had lunch at Grandma Ruby's and had a blast finding Easter eggs!  This was one of the best Easter's we've had!