Monday, January 11, 2010

{Camden Turns 3!}

Birthdays are a HUGE deal in our home - it's not unusual for us to celebrate all week long!  I think Camden had a great birthday week - he talks about different events we had every day!  He had a birthday party at home (with family), a party at school and then a party with his very cool parents and sister on Monday!

This year we did a construction theme for his party!  Camden loved it!  I think though he had the most fun with the balloons!  Then on Monday (his actual birthday) we took him to his favorite Mexican restaurant and celebrated there.  Scott and I think he's probably traumatized from the Mexican birthday singing and sombero that we might find it a bit difficult to go back!  (I won't post those pics!

He had a great birthday - thanks to everyone who sent cards and gifts!  It's hard to believe our little boy is getting bigger and is now 3!