Friday, December 25, 2009

{Christmas} Part II

We had a wonderful Christmas this year!

This was probably one of the busiest years we've had!  On Christmas Eve we had The Cole's over for dinner.  The highlight of the night was watching Camden go NUTS over all of the presents - his and other peoples!  Then on Christmas morning we had our own family Christmas!  We made the mistake of letting Camden open Santa's gift (best & biggest) 1st - so he was more interested in playing with it and had zero interest in opening more gifts.  After a big Christmas breakfast we drove to St. Louis to see the Hurst's!  We had an excellent time  - the kids were so good on the drive there and we only went through 1 blizzard.  In St. Louis we had fun visiting, bowling, & going to the zoo.  We love this time of year - it reminds us of how blessed we are to have wonderful friends and family!  We hope the year ahead is as great as 2009 and brings even more health & happiness! 

Monday, December 14, 2009

{Christmas} Part I

We had a very busy week with holiday parties, seeing Santa and finished buying all of our gifts.  This year we went to the Graylyn Estate and had breakfast with Santa.  Camden did such a good job telling him what he wanted.  He's still a little afraid to sit on his lap, but had no problem standing in front of him or in the chair besides him.  Bexley was an angel too!   Camden is anxiously awaiting Christmas morning!

Monday, December 7, 2009

{Disney on Ice}

Scott & I thought it would be fun to take Camden & Bexley to see Disney on Ice.  Within the 1st 10 minutes we were there we managed to lose a sock, a pacifier, were told to move – that we were in the wrong seats and had Camden asking when the tractors were coming out.  It’s one of those things as a parent you think would just be a blast for your children, but it ends up being A LOT of work for the parents.  On a good note, the only time Bexley paid attention to the show was when they brought out all the Disney princesses – otherwise she just slept. And Camden really liked Nemo.  It was a lot of work to keep everyone happy, but we did have a fun time and we have many funny stories about it!