Saturday, October 31, 2009

{Happy Halloween} 2009

Camden had a lot of fun this year carving his pumpkin.  He helped clean it out and cut it!  He really liked taking the "guts" out and was sure to shout, "Oooohh, YUCK!  It's gooey and slimey!"  Camden's pumpkin was a dump truck and Bexley's was a ballerina.  We did something a little different this year and had a small get-together at our house, took Camden trick-or-treating, then went to our neighborhood party after that.  Camden loved every second of Halloween.  He didn't quite get the hang of saying "trick-or-treat" at the door, but instead rang the doorbell and then said, "thank you!"  Bexley slept through the whole thing.  We had a great halloween and are already thinking of next years costume!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

{Fall Mountain Trip} Blowing Rock, NC

Well...we finally got to go to the mountains last Sunday.  The weather was absoulutely beautiful, however the trees were not.  It was a no-win situation - go the weekend before and have 40 degrees and fog/rain but pretty trees or last weekend 70 and sunny and the leaves falling off the trees.  Oh well, it was still fun!  The ride up there had some pretty trees to look at. We had a picnic lunch once we got there, took Camden to the city park in Blowing Rock, NC and took a small hike at the Moses Cone Manor House - oh...and of course I found some time for shopping.  Always have to go shopping!  Love the mountains - even Bexley liked looking around and hiking too!  Camden loves everything about being there because everything to do is outdoors!  The next time we'll be back will be after Thanksgiving to chop down our Christmas tree!  YAY!

Monday, October 12, 2009

{Happy Fall!} and Family Updates

Happy Fall everyone!  We are all festive here at the Cole household!  Today we were supposed to take our annual Fall Trip to the Mountains, but due to weather - we cancelled the trip. (it was rainy/snowy and 39 YUCK! - I know...even this Iowa girl has been spoiled by the NC weather and now thinks 39 is COLD!)  So instead we went to the Farmer's Market, got a pumpkin and our Fall/Winter flowers to plant around the house!  We are going to try to get to the pumpkin patch later this week when it's warmer - today was just too cold to go to pick out pumpkins.  Check back later this week for pumpkin patch pics! 

If you haven't heard by now we've been having some intestinal issues with Bexley.  She is doing about the same and will be going to see a Pediatric GI this Thursday (Oct 22).  Hopefully they will be able to help her!  I will try to keep everyone updated - thanks to everyone who has been keeping her in their prayers!

Hope everyone has a wonderful fall and a Happy Halloween!