Wednesday, September 9, 2009

{Introducing...} Bexley Brianna Cole

We would love to announce the arrival of Miss Bexley Brianna Cole!  She was born on 9.9.09 at 10:57am, weighing 7lbs, 2oz and was 19 1/2" long!  She is doing great!  We are all so happy and pink saying things constantly like, "She's just so cute!" and "We love her so much!"  She's a really good baby - sleeping all the time, eating good and hardly crying (unless she wants more milk or to be changed). Camden is warming up to her!  He still is adjusting - everyday he does something new with her or making comments.  It will be no time at all that he'll be her 24 hour security guard!  He did think it was pretty cool to go to the hospital to see her, even if it was to quickly say "hi" to her then pretend the bed was a forklift by making it go up and down or pretending to be a doctor. We are really blessed to have our newest addition home with us and doing well.  We want to thank everyone who called to wish us well prior to having Bexley and all the wishes after she was born!  We have the best friends and family!  We can't wait to share more pictures and stories throughout the year!