Monday, August 17, 2009

{Our Last Trip of the Summer} Myrtle Beach, SC

We took our last trip to the beach this summer last weekend!  Of all the times we had been to the beach, we have never stayed in Myrtle Beach!  We had a great time!  It was so much fun!  It was our last trip with just one child and also our 1st trip with Camden sleeping in a big boy bed.  Camden loves being so grown up! What an adventure! was the smallest packed trip we had ever taken!  We did a lot of relaxing on the beach, playing at the water park and eating a lot of great food!  Oh, and of course found some time for shopping!  We really enjoyed our last trip out for the summer and are already planning our 1st fall trip with our newest family member!

Monday, August 3, 2009

{Happy 34th Birthday} Scott!

Scott celebrated his 34th birthday last Saturday.  Biggs and Sarah came in to celebrate while on their way down to New Orleans for vacation!  We took Scott to Chapel Hill to Carolina Brewery for dinner.  Then on Sunday we celebrated at Longhorn with family. Happy Birthday Scott and welcome to your mid-30's! (He loves it!)