Saturday, September 8, 2012

{Bexley's 3rd Birthday} Rapunzel Party!

{Our Little Girl} is about to turn 3 tomorrow!  Lots of tears spring to my eyes when I think about it!   Since Scott is going to be in Germany for the next 2 weeks, we had her party a few days earlier!  She wanted a Tangled (Rapunzel) party ~ so I pulled out all the purple I had and got started on making this birthday extra special for her!  She had so much fun and really loved all the princess, Barbie, girly stuff she got! I have always wanted that girly girl daughter that loves dress up, Barbies, playing hair stylist, pretending to be a princess every minute of the day and loving everything pink!  Oh, Bexley is all that and some!  What I love most is I don't even have to ask her to be this way...she just is!!!  At the end of the night, we couldn't find her for a few minutes...then I heard her playing music on a scooter we got her (which was hidden and supposed to be a surprise for her actual birthday) ~ she had gone in my closet to put more perfume on and saw the tire poking out from the hanging clothes of where it was hidden!  Sneaky thing at almost 3, isn't she?  Anyway, I think she had a great night celebrating and hanging out with family!  Happy Birthday BooBoo!

"Hmm, this is perfect...a Rapunzel party and lots of sweets!"

Sneakin' candy before the party!

Singing Happy Birthday ~ Ready...
Get set....
Go!  I wonder what she wished for...whatever it is, I hope it comes true!!!
Grandma & Grandpa checking out the presents!

Lucky me...I got a picture taken with the birthday girl Belle!

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