Tuesday, December 13, 2011

{Gingerbread House}

Of all the Christmas traditions there are, decorating a Gingerbread House is not one of ours.  We are also doing an Advent Calendar this year so I thought we'd have the decorating as one of our daily activities!   It was so much fun!  I told the kids the #1 rule of decorating the Gingerbread House was, "Decorate more, eat less!"  Miss-Sugar-Tooth-Bexley had an extremely hard time with this!  Scott and I are still not sure if she even decorated or if she just ate while we were busy working!  Anyway, we had a great time and defiantly will be adding this to the many Christmas traditions.
Our House BEFORE
Camden taking his decorating seriously!
Me showing them how nice a pattern looks instead of just randomly putting it on! Bexley reaching for more candy!
Bexley, "Oooh, that looks good.  Now back to eating!"
AFTER Camden's Side
AFTER My side with a little extra help!

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