Sunday, October 30, 2011

{Carving Our Little} Pumpkins

This October has been so busy for us that we almost forgot to carve our pumpkins!  We usually do it a few days before Halloween and it's been cold enough here that they would have kept their shape if we did...but we didn't ~ so they'll defiantly keep their shape until Halloween this year!  This year we started carving our pumpkins at our house, then went to the neighbors to their Halloween Carving Party to finish them up!   Now that our pumpkins are carved we are all set to go trick or treating tomorrow!  Happy Halloween!

Skeleton & Hello Kitty Pumpkins!
Camden's Monster Face
Scary Faces!
Happy Faces!
The only way to get a smile like that is to have Daddy stand behind the camera and say, "DIRTY DIAPERS!"
...and the only way to get a smile from this guy is to HAVE him say, "DIRTY DIAPERS!"
Making the 1st cut
The guts!
Camden wanted to write his name on the back of his pumpkin.  He got a little sidetracked after the "M"
Pretending...PRETENDING to eat some pumpkin.
"Here Bexley, PRETEND to eat some pumpkin!"
...and she actually ate some!

Scott saying, "Ewww...YUCK!"
Bexley showing Daddy how to pretend eat the pumpkin!
"I'm not falling for that one again!"

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