Monday, June 6, 2011

{Sunset Beach} 2011

We spent Memorial Day Week at Sunset Beach.  Scott and I have decided that this was in the top 3 of "Best Vacations" we have ever taken!  We didn't do anything we don't usually do, it was just....wonderful!  The weather was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!  It was actually very relaxing to go to the beach ~ the kids played together well and no chasing after 1 child going one way the another child going the other!  We got in a lot of beach time, had a lot of great food (even found some new restaurants to go to) and took the NC Ferry to the Fort Fisher Aquarium!  Camden and Bexley loved being buried in the sand!  This is a great activity at keeping them still for a few minutes!  Just kidding!  Bexley loved sticking her hand and sometimes entire arm down the crab holes!  Really, really surprised she didn't get nipped!  After a visit from the aquarium Camden became obsessed with the eels and was pretending his snake was one the rest of the vacation.  We have some great stories about that!  So sad we had to come home after a week, but ready to get back to regular life and start our summer!!!

L.O.V.E this one!

{Our Little} Baywatch Lifeguard!

Model in Training

The sand castle we built!

Just kidding!  Please tell me you didn't really believe that!  Here's ours!

One brave little boy!

We took a family picture.  While I was setting the camera up, I took some test shots.  I didn't realize this was one of my "test" shots until I saw it later that night.  Precious!

Trying to get the remote to work.  Again, one of our test shots (notice the remote in my hand) and later that night saw how super cute Camden was being to Bexley.  Didn't even know this happened until I saw the pics!

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