Saturday, May 7, 2011

{And We Have} A 1st Floor!

It's no lie...I do frequent our new neighborhood A LOT!  It's not unusual for me to go out there on days Camden has school ~ I mean it's only a few minutes away!  How can you not be in the area and NOT stop by?  I just love being out there and daydreaming what it will be like once our home is done!  It's also so much fun to see the new homes go up and think that our home will soon look like that.  Scott and I often compare the house down the street, which is a step ahead of ours, to what ours will look like in the next week.  Well, we met with the builder this week to discuss what structural/decorative things we picked out and time lines.  Anyway, the builder had mentioned that this week we would be getting the floor joists in and next week they would start on the good stuff ~ our 1st and 2nd floors!  I was there on Thursday, you was a school day and they had gotten the floor joists in plus delivered all of the lumber!  Then Friday, I made a little jaunt on out there because the kids and I needed something to do.  I couldn't help but let out a little scream when I turned the corner and saw they had already started on the 1st floor!!!  So of course I whipped out the camera and snapped a few pics ~ then just sat there a daydreamed a little more....

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